General Inquiries
You may submit general questions through myCGS related to various topics, including appeals, finance, education, and medical review.
NOTE: This form should not be used in place of the other functions available to you through myCGS.
- To submit a Redetermination (1st level appeal) please complete the Redetermination Request Form.
- To submit an eOffset (offset authorization for a demanded overpayment), please complete the eOffset Request Form.
- To respond to an additional documentation request (ADR) from our medical review or claims departments, please complete the MR ADR or Claim ADR Response Form.
After clicking the form link and the page loads, you will find some fields are auto populated based on your myCGS user ID. The required fields that must be completed to submit the General Inquiry Form are identified by a RED asterisk (*).
Complete the top portion of the form. There is also an area to summarize the reason for the inquiry. In 2000 characters or less, summarize the issue.
You must include an attachment with your inquiry. Attachments must be in a PDF format and no larger than 40MBs in size. Click the ‘Choose File’ button to locate the PDF document on your system.