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February 9, 2023

Open Meeting Announcement – Enteral Nutrition, Osteogenesis Stimulators, Parenteral Nutrition and Seat Lift Mechanisms Proposed Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs)

On Thursday, March 23 at 10 am ET, the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) will host a virtual public meeting to solicit stakeholder comments for the following proposed LCDs:

Enteral Nutrition (DL38955) – Proposed addition of GA, GY GZ, and KX modifiers to the Coding Information section of the LCD.

Osteogenesis Stimulators (DL33796) – Proposed addition of GA, GZ and KX modifiers to the Coding Information section of the LCD.

Parenteral Nutrition (DL38953) – Proposed addition of GA, GY, GZ and KX modifiers to the Coding Information section of the LCD.

Seat Lift Mechanisms (DL33801) – Proposed addition of GA, GZ and KX modifiers to the Coding Information section of the LCD.

This virtual meeting is for the oral presentation of comments and for stakeholders interested in listening to the comments. In order for any oral comments to be considered, they must be submitted in writing through the formal comment process. Information related to the written comment process is available at Proposed Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Released for Comment - Enteral Nutrition, Osteogenesis Stimulators, Parenteral Nutrition and Seat Lift Mechanisms.

Stakeholders interested in attending the virtual meeting and commenting must register by Tuesday March 2, 2023 at 5 pm ET. Registration is available online at Website.

By registering, you consent to your comments being recorded at the virtual meeting. You must not include any protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII) in your comments.

We request that you confine your public comments at the virtual open meeting to the proposed changes. The medical directors appreciate that you may have comments about other criteria in the proposed LCD(s), and you are welcome to submit those in your written comments; however, the virtual open meeting is to solicit public feedback on the proposed LCD(s) changes. We ask that comments from the same organization/manufacturer be consolidated and presented by a single representative or spokesperson. If a stakeholder wishes to present an oral comment that applies to more than one of the proposed LCDs, the stakeholder should only present the comment once during the open meeting.

Any material (such as slides) that a registrant intends to present during the virtual open meeting must be sent to by Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 5 pm ET. In the body of the email, please include the name of the presenter and the represented organization if applicable.

Advance registration is not required for stakeholders who only wish to listen to the virtual open meeting.

For stakeholders who only wish to listen to the virtual open meeting, teleconference information will be provided with the open meeting agenda which will be published on the DME MACs’ websites and announced via the DME MAC electronic mailing list, in advance of the virtual open meeting date.

Note: After joining the webinar, a telephone audio PIN will be provided to participants who registered to present oral comments.

The amount of time allotted for oral commenters' presentations will be determined by the number of commenters registered. Speaking time and order of commenters will be provided prior to the virtual meeting.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Suppliers and clinicians are cautioned not to make any changes based upon information contained in a proposed LCD. The content of a proposed LCD may be revised based upon the written comments received during the comment period. When all written comments have been reviewed, revisions will be considered.

Refer to each DME MAC website for additional information, including access to the proposed LCDs.

Thank you for your participation in our policy development process.

Smitha M. Ballyamanda, MD, CAQSM
Medical Director, DME MAC Jurisdiction A
Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC

Robert D. Hoover, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP
Medical Director, DME MAC Jurisdiction C
CGS Administrators, LLC

Sunil V. Lalla, MD, FACS, CPC
Medical Director, DME MAC Jurisdiction B
CGS Administrators, LLC

Angela S. Jenny, DO
Medical Director, DME MAC, Jurisdiction D
Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC


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