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myCGS Registration & Account Management Guide Overview


Welcome to the myCGS Registration Guide. This guide provides an overview of the registration user management process that DME MAC suppliers must follow in order to use myCGS.

In order for your company to use myCGS, you will first need a Designated Approver (DA)—an individual designated as being responsible for approving and managing your organization's employees within myCGS—to successfully complete registration. The DA can be any member of your organization, but is typically an individual who manages other employees that need to use myCGS. The first person to register in myCGS for any supplier must be the DA. No other users for your company can use myCGS until the DA has been registered and approved. There is no limit to the number of DAs that may register for your organization.

Once a DA (or multiple DAs) completes myCGS registration, they will have full access to myCGS and have the ability to approve and manage other myCGS users. Other users from your organization, known as End Users, may then register for myCGS and are approved by their DA. Once approved, End Users will have full access to myCGS.

NOTE: myCGS also offers the ability to register as a third-party biller via the Clearing House/Billing Agent (CHBA) role, as well as an option to register as a Same/Similar User (SSU) for suppliers in Jurisdictions A and D. Refer to the CHBA and SSU sections in this guide.

Registration for myCGS is completed based on your organization's Tax ID (TIN). Once you have successfully registered under your Tax ID, all of your associated NPI/PTAN combinations will automatically be tied to your account and available for use in myCGS. If your organization has more than one Tax ID, you will need to add your additional Tax IDs by following the Adding Additional Tax IDs instructions found in section 2 of this guide.

This guide provides details of each part of the registration and user management process. It is divided into three main sections:

  • Section 1 details user registration.
  • Section 2 includes instructions for Designated Approvers on how to manage users in myCGS.
  • Section 3 includes information about maintaining your myCGS account.

For instructions on using myCGS to obtain beneficiary eligibility, claim status, and all the other features that myCGS offers, refer to the myCGS User Manual.

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