Jurisdiction C DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Advisory Groups
The primary function of the Advisory Groups is to assist us in the creation, implementation, and review of provider education strategies and efforts. The Advisory Groups provide input and feedback on training topics, provider education materials, and dates and locations of provider education workshops and events. The groups also identify relevant provider education issues, and recommends effective means of information distribution to all appropriate providers and their staff. The Advisory Groups are used as a provider education consultant resource, to assist our Provider Outreach and Education team in the planning of educational events and activities.
POE Advisory Group membership is open to representatives from state supplier associations, billing services, and all other appropriate supplier organizations and third party entities. We encourage representation from across the entire Jurisdiction C area from both large and small businesses and organizations.
To make it easier for all parts of the jurisdiction to express their recommendations for Medicare education, we will hold quarterly meetings and/or teleconferences to discuss the carrier's educational efforts.