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April 8, 2021

myCGS 7.1 is live! Post-Pay Claims Now Available on the Additional Documentation Request (ADR) Screen

myCGS 7.1, the latest version of the DME online portal, is live as of Monday, April 5. Read about the new feature below. Please note that all users will be required to reset security questions upon log in. We hope you enjoy this improved portal experience!

A major enhancement with myCGS 7.1 is the addition of Post-Pay to the Additional Documentation Request (ADR) screen.

When CGS needs additional information to process a claim correctly, we send an ADR letter. ADRs can be sent for the following types of claims:

  • Pre-Pay – claims that are currently in process and have not received a payment decision
  • Post-Pay – claims that were initially paid but now require additional information to maintain payment

If you receive an ADR letter, you must respond to the request in the given timeframe in order for your claim to be processed correctly and avoid denial (or recoupment). myCGS gives you the ability to check ADR status, view ADR letters, and submit your response directly within the portal.

Prior to myCGS 7.1, only Pre-Pay ADRs were available for viewing and submitting a response in the myCGS online portal. With version 7.1, ADR in myCGS includes both Pre-Pay and Post-Pay. Post-Pay ADRs in myCGS work exactly the same way as Pre-Pay. You can now access both types of ADRs through either the Claim Status screen (if searching for a specific claim) or the ADR screen. The ADR screen provides a list of all claims selected for ADR under your NPI/PTAN within a given date range. For detailed instructions, refer to the myCGS User ManualPDF.

Visit our Post-Payment Reviews page for additional information about Post-Pay reviews. Visit our Additional Development Request (ADR) Process page for information about ADRs.

NOTE: Only ADRs generated within the last year (from the current date) can be displayed in myCGS. Because Pre-Pay ADRs have been suspended due to COVID-19 for the last year, no Pre-Pay claims will be available on the ADR screen until Pre-Pay ADRs are resumed. Therefore at this time, only Post-Pay claims will be found on the ADR screen.


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