Prior Authorization for DMEPOS

Prior authorization helps DMEPOS suppliers make sure they meet Medicare coverage, payment, and coding rules before they deliver the items. The DME MAC will review the medical documentation and send an affirmed or non-affirmed decision. See the Supplier Manual Chapter 9 – Coverage and Medical Policy for more information and background about the program.
Prior Authorization Process for DMEPOS Items
Fee-for-Service Medicare requires prior authorization for these HCPCS codes filed to DME MACs:
Program | HCPCS Codes | When to expect a decision**: | Decision is valid for: |
Lower Limb Prostheses (LLP) | L5856, L5857, L5858, L5973, L5980, L5987 | 10 business days Effective January 1, 2025: 5 business days (not to exceed 7 calendar days) |
120 calendar days |
Orthoses | L0648, L0650, L1832, L1851 Effective August 12, 2024: L0631, L0637, L0639, L1843, L1845, L1951 *L1833 removed from list effective August 12, 2024 |
5 business days (not to exceed 7 calendar days) |
60 calendar days |
Power Mobility Devices (PMD) | K0800-K0802, K0806-K0808, K0813-K0816, K0820-K0829, K0835-K0843, K0848-K0864 You may voluntarily include these accessories with the request for the power wheelchair base K0800-K0802 K0813-K0829, K0835-K0843, K0848-K0864: E0950, E0955, E1002-E1010, E1012, E1029, E1030, E2310-E2313, E2321-E2330, E2351, E2373, E2377, E2601-E2608, E2611-E2616, E2620-E2625, K0020, and K0195 |
10 business days Effective January 1, 2025: 5 business days (not to exceed 7 calendar days) |
6 months |
Pressure Reducing Support Surfaces (PRSS) | E0193, E0277, E0371, E0372, E0373 | 5 business days (not to exceed 7 calendar days) |
1 month |
**Expedited requests: If there is a valid need for an expedited review, we will make reasonable efforts to send a decision within 2 business days.
How to Send Your Request
- myCGS DME Web Portal – The fastest, easiest way to send a request and check the status. See the Prior Authorization Smart Submission (PASS) Fact Sheet.
- Prior Authorization Request Coversheet
– Mail, fax, or esMD. When sending through esMD, use the document/content type "8.4."
- Expedited: Send through the myCGS DME Web Portal or use the coversheet to fax or send through esMD.
Affirmed & Non-Affirmed Decisions
Affirmed decisions are valid for a certain length of time, depending on the category. When the prior authorization is affirmed, the supplier must deliver the item within the listed timeframe (see table above). If the item is not delivered within the time limit, the supplier will need to send another request.
We will send decision letters to the supplier and the beneficiary. You may also request a copy of the letter to be sent to the physician.
The letter will include the Unique Tracking Number (UTN). The decision and UTN stays with the beneficiary. A supplier may transfer the UTN to another supplier per privacy laws.
Add the UTN to Your Claim
Add the UTN in Item 23 of the CMS-1500 Claim Form.
For electronic claims, add the UTN in either the 2300 – Claim Information loop or 2400 – Service Line loop in the Prior Authorization reference (REF) segment where REF01 = "G1" qualifier and REF02 = UTN.
Information about other Pre-Claim Review Programs
CGS Education & Tools
- Online Education Course: Condition of Payment Prior Authorization (PA) Program
- Prior Authorization Lookup Tool
- Written Order Prior to Delivery (WOPD) Code Lookup
CMS Information
See the Prior Authorization Process for Certain DMEPOS Items page for CMS-developed presentations, Medicare Learning Network materials, and other support materials including:
Attention: If you are looking for information about Hospital Outpatient Department Prior Authorization or Prior Authorization of Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport (RSNAT), please visit your A/B MAC website.
Prior Authorization Education
See the DME Provider Outreach & Education: Calendar of Events for upcoming webinars and events related to required prior authorization.
Revised 12.16.24