Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) Documentation for Wheelchairs Requiring In-Person ATP Involvement FAQs
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- What is an ATP?
An Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) is a designation of certification by the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). Prior to January 1, 2009, RESNA maintained two certifications — Assistive Technology Supplier (ATS) and Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP). Those certifications were combined into one — Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) — with a single certification examination after January 1, 2009. An ATP is a service provider who analyzes the needs of individuals with disabilities, assists in the selection of appropriate equipment, and trains the consumer on how to properly use the specific equipment.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- Why does Medicare require ATP "in-person" involvement in the selection of a rehab wheelchair?
As you can see from the description of the ATP in question 1, the supplier ATP (sATP) with experience and training in proper assistive technology selection is in an ideal situation to translate the functional information from the licensed certified medical professional (LCMP) specialty evaluation into a specific equipment selection for the beneficiary.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- Clarify "employ" as it relates to an ATP within this policy.
The DMEPOS Quality Standards require that a supplier of complex rehab wheelchairs employ (W-2 employee) an individual who has one of the following credentials: ATP or CRTS (Certified Rehabilitative Technology Supplier). This individual may not be a "contract" employee.
However, the supplier could employ additional ATPs to meet the sATP requirement in the power mobility device (PMD) local coverage determination (LCD). Those additional sATPs could be employed in a full-time, part-time, or contracted capacity, as is acceptable by state law. Those sATPs, if part-time or contracted, must be under the direct control of the supplier when participating in the wheelchair selection.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- If a supplier has a part-time or contracted ATP on staff, what type of special documentation would be needed to prove credential?
For submission of a prior authorization request, the supplier must include evidence that the employee was working under the supplier's direct control and guidance, as well as evidence of the sATP certification upon request; however, these types of records do not need to be routinely submitted with a claim but must be available upon request in a medical review audit.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- Would a supplier be asked to provide employment records in a Medical Review audit?
Yes, employment records, contracting agreements and credential records could be requested. These types of records do not need to be routinely submitted with a claim but must be available upon request.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- What does it mean for the sATP to have direct, in-person involvement in the wheelchair selection process?
It means to physically see and interact with the beneficiary and to document that involvement. It is important that the record show how the sATP was involved.
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- Can the sATP sign off on the licensed/certified medical professional (LCMP) evaluation, standard written order prior to delivery (WOPD), or some other attestation to demonstrate compliance with the requirement?
The medical policy does not mandate how suppliers document compliance with the ATP requirement. There must be evidence in the supplier's file of direct in-person interaction with the beneficiary by the sATP in the wheelchair selection process. The supplier, LCMP, or treating practitioner must document how the sATP is involved with the beneficiary. The documentation must be complete and detailed enough so a third party would be able to understand the nature of the sATP involvement and to show that the standard was met. The sATP may create a note which documents their objective findings from the in-person involvement in the specialty evaluation process. This report must show how the recommendations for the special features reflect their input, such as body measurements for proper fit of the wheelchair, trials of wheelchair, seating models, etc. Just "signing off" on a form completed by another individual would not adequately document direct, in-person involvement. Alternatively, if the sATP participates in the specialty evaluation conducted in a multi-specialty clinic, the sATP could request that the person conducting and documenting the specialty evaluation include their name and credentials in the final report. For example, "Ms. Jones was evaluated today for a power mobility device. Taking part in the evaluation was Dr. Smith, Ann Jones, PT, and Bill Doe, ATP from XYZ Mobility."
Originally published: 07.23.2010
Reviewed: 12.30.2024
- If the sATP is not present for the specialty evaluation by the licensed/certified medical professional (LCMP), but does assess the beneficiary "in person" prior to or following the specialty evaluation by the LCMP, would this fulfill the requirement of direct "in person" involvement in the wheelchair selection process?
The role of the sATP is to assure that the equipment selected is appropriate to address the medical needs of the beneficiary, identified during the face-to-face (F2F) encounter (if applicable) and the LCMPs specialty evaluation. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to begin product selection prior to completion of this process. Any in-person sATP/beneficiary interactions prior to the F2F encounter or LCMP specialty evaluation would not be considered sufficient to meet the LCD requirement. Interactions during or after the F2F encounter and LCMPs specialty evaluation would meet the requirement.
Originally published: 11.17.2017
Reviewed: 12.30.2024