CGS Customer Experience
We believe healthcare administration should be easy, consistent, and transparent. We simplify the system and deliver valuable solutions that IMPACT lives.
Help improve our website, portal and other services by providing your valuable feedback in our various satisfaction surveys:
How You Made an IMPACT
This table shares recent operational improvements that are direct results from your survey feedback.
Location | Survey Feedback | Solution | Date Implemented |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
Portal users wanted to see information about cross over claims. |
myCGS 9.3 added coordination of benefits agreement (COBA) crossover information the claim status detail information screen. |
01.30.2025 |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
Designated approvers (DAs) want to know when a new DA is added for their company. |
We will send an email to all the DAs when a new DA registers under the same Tax ID. |
01.30.2025 |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
Suppliers asked for a way to send offset and overpayment recovery forms through the myCGS DME Web Portal. |
myCGS 9.0 adds a major new feature to the myCGS DME Web Portal that many users have asked for – the ability to send overpayment recovery forms. This new feature allows you to send either an offset request form or an overpayment recovery request form through myCGS. This is the first phase in a series of planned enhancements to the Finance menu. |
10.25.2024 |
Website |
The publication dates for individual Dear Physician Letters and Documentation Checklists should be visible from the web page that lists all the documents. |
We added the publication date for each document next to the title and hyperlink on the Dear Physician Letters and Documentation Checklists webpages. Users can now easily see the publication date and know when we last revised a document before they open the PDF. |
09.16.2024 |
Website |
Website users prefer to see information without needing to scroll down the webpage. |
We added a menu to the Orthoses & PMD Prior Authorization pages. Scan the section headings and click to see the information you want to read without scrolling through all the content. |
08.27.2024 |
Website |
Suppliers need more education about when to use the KU modifier. |
We created a KU Modifier Tool to let you know when to use the KU modifier for an accessory used on a manual or power wheelchair. |
08.20.2024 |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
myCGS users want to know when the Common Working File (CWF) last updated the skilled nursing facility (SNF), or hospital date shown. |
myCGS 8.9 added a new field to SNF/Hospital Inquiries. The SNF/Hospital Information screen now shows the "Last Updated" field. |
08.19.2024 |
Website |
We continue to see complaints about password and other security requirements in the myCGS DME Web Portal. |
It is important that all users understand the reason behind these requirements and the importance of protecting both beneficiary and supplier information. Provider Education created two "To the Point" videos to address the myCGS Password Requirements and myCGS Terms of Use. Help prevent a cyberattack or a breach of information – make sure you and your staff are aware of and follow the protocols established to keep the myCGS portal secure. |
08.02.2024 |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
Suppliers want to search for a Remittance Advice (RA) by date of service. |
We added the View RA feature to the Claim Status Summary screen with myCGS 8.8. |
07.30.2024 |
Website |
Suppliers like information summarized and easy to access on a web page instead of a PDF. |
We created CGS Fact Sheets to summarize important information and resources. We will add more sheets with concise and reliable information on a variety of topics as needed |
06.05.2024 |
Website |
A top reason suppliers visit our web site is looking for prior authorization information. |
We moved the Prior Authorization for DMEPOS section to the main left navigation menu so you can access information with only one click. |
06.03.2024 |
Website & Customer Service |
We get comments about how to enter the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) on the telephone keypad when you call CGS Customer Support or the Interactive Voice Response (IVR). |
Use the MBI Letters to Numbers & Name to Numbers Converter to change alpha characters to numbers on your telephone keypad. We added a chart to show what to enter for each alpha character in an MBI. For example, enter *11 for the letter Q or *72 for R. |
04.19.2024 |
Website |
Please add the error rate category to the Medical Review Quarter Reports page. |
We added the individual error rates for each category to the table on the Medical Review Quarter Reports page to make it easier for suppliers to view error rates for all categories on one page. |
03.18.2024 |
Website |
I would love to see an Ostomy supplies documentation checklist. |
An Ostomy Supplies Documentation Checklist |
03.12.2024 |
myCGS DME Web Portal |
Suppliers are dissatisfied with password and security requirements for myCGS. |
We increased the visibility of the myCGS Security Awareness Training video and myCGS Terms of Use on our website. Links to the video and terms were added to the myCGS web page on the CGS education website so users can access it quickly and easily for training and education purposes. |
01.31.2024 |
Website |
Providers are not sure which Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) website to search. |
We added more information about MAC jurisdictions to the CGS Medicare Home page to help visitors find the correct MAC for their jurisdiction and line of business. |
01.31.2024 |
Website |
Suppliers would like a video to educate first time users about using CGS Connect. |
CGS Provider Education recorded a new "To-the-Point" Submitting a CGS Connect Request video. |
01.11.2024 |