Jurisdiction B Contact Information
Department |
How to Contact |
Forms/Instructions |
Customer Support |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR): 877.299.7900 Phone: 866.590.6727 Hearing Impaired/TTY: Dial 711 Written Inquiries Fax: 615.782.4624 Mailing Address: CGS – Jurisdiction B Written Inquiries |
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7 am - 4 pm CT/8 am - 5 pm ET CMS requires suppliers and providers use self-service technology to access claim status, payment, and beneficiary information. The myCGS Web Portal and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system are two self-service technologies that allow suppliers to easily access beneficiary and claim information. Phone Calls: Claim and eligibility-specific calls to the Provider Contact Center (PCC) must be authenticated through the Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) system Please be prepared to enter all pertinent information related to your inquiry using the CTI system, including:
Tip: Use the MBI Letters to Numbers Tool to convert letters to numbers for use on your telephone keypad. Written Inquiries: Please state your question or concern as clearly as possible, including all pertinent information:
Note: We are unable to respond to email inquiries containing sensitive information such as MBI or Tax ID. |
Additional Documentation Request (ADR) |
Fax: 615.660.5993 Mailing Address: |
Refer to the ADR Process for more information. |
Advanced Determination of Medicare Coverage (ADMC) |
myCGS Web Portal: Click here to get started Fax: 615.660.5988 Mailing Address: |
Claim Submission (Paper CMS-1500 Claim Forms only) |
Mailing Address: |
Refer to Claim Submission and Paper Claims for more information about how to use and obtain paper claim forms from the U.S. Government Bookstore—Purchase Paper Claim Forms See also: Electronic Claims |
Overpayments & Refunds |
Fax: 615.782.4508 Mailing Address: Overnight Delivery: CGS Administrators, LLC - DME JB |
Refer to Overpayment Recovery for more information. |
Prior Authorization |
myCGS Web Portal: Click here to get started Fax: 615.660.5992 Mailing Address: esMD: (indicate document type "8") |
Prior Authorization (PA) Submission Form Refer to Prior Authorization for more information. |
Redeterminations (Appeals) |
myCGS Web Portal: Click here to get started on redetermination request submission. Redeterminations Mailing Address: *Contact information above is for Overpayment Appeals as well. |
Refer to Appeals for detailed instructions on appealing claims and overpayments. |
Reopenings (Claims Corrections & Adjustments) |
myCGS Web Portal: Click here to get started on claim correction or reopening form submission. Reopenings Phone: 844.240.7490 Underpayment Fax: 615.660.5978 Mailing Address: |
Refer to Reopenings for detailed instructions on requesting reopenings for minor errors and omissions. |
Other Contacts |
People with Medicare (Beneficiary Customer Service) |
Phone: 1.800.MEDICARE (800.633.4227) |
Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC), formerly known as COBC |
Customer Service: 1.855.798.2627 Written Inquiries: |
When to contact the BCRC:
You may contact the BCRC by calling a Customer Service Representative or through Written Correspondence. |
CEDI (Electronic Data Interchange) |
CEDI Helpdesk Phone: 866.311.9184 Email: ngs.cedihelpdesk@anthem.com |
Contact CEDI regarding: Electronic Claim Submission, Electronic Remittance Notices, and 276/277 transactions |
CGS Headquarters |
Address: |
Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) |
Beneficiaries should call 1.800.MEDICARE (1.800.633.4227) for assistance with questions about the competitive bidding program or claims. Suppliers or referral agents who have questions about the competitive bidding program should contact the CBIC: 877-577-5331 |
Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) website |
Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) |
Mailing Address: |
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) |
Mailing Address: |
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form NOTE: This form must be mailed in with original signatures and banking information. |
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) |
Mailing Address: | Refer to Supplier Manual: Chapter 1 - Introduction (DME MAC Jurisdiction B) All FOIA requests are subject to fees for search, review, and copy/duplication. Before submitting your request, you may want to see if the information can be obtained from our website. |
National Provider Enrollment (NPE) East |
Phone:866-520-5193 Provider Enrollment Status Inquiry Tool Mailing Address: |
National Provider Enrollment (NPE) West |
Phone: 866.238.9652 Email National Provider Enrollment (NPE West) Mailing Address: |
Office of Inspector General (OIG) to report fraud and abuse |
Phone: 1.800.HHS-TIPS (1.800.447.8477) TTY Phone: 1.800.377.4950 Mailing Address: |
Pricing, Data Analysis, and Coding (PDAC) |
Contact Center Phone: 877.735.1326 |
Reconsiderations (Appeals) Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC) for second level independent external reviews of Medicare Fee-for-Service healthcare denials. |
Mailing Address: Phone: 585.348.3200 Email: DMEInfo@MAXIMUS.com |
Recovery Auditor (RAC) |
Phone: 866.201.0580 |
Supplemental Medical Review Contractor (SMRC) |
Phone: 1.833.860.4133 Email: SMRCMail@Noridian.com |
Supplemental Medical Review Contractor (SMRC) – Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC (NHS) |
Supplier Enrollment |
Starting November 7, 2022, 2 contractors will process Medicare enrollment applications for DMEPOS suppliers to make sure they meet all supplier standards and enrollment requirements. Refer to National Provider Enrollment (NPE) East or National Provider Enrollment (NPW) West above. |
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) |
Toll-Free Phone: 877.267.2323 Local Phone: 410.786.3000 TTY Toll-Free Phone: 866.226.1819 TTY Local Phone: 410.786.0727 |
Other Helpful Links |
Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPIC) Qlarant – UPIC Southwest (Unified Program Integrity Contractor) for AR, CO, LA, MS, NM, OK, & TX |