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Supplier Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

CGS DME MAC Jurisdiction B has an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System at 877.299.7900 with multiple options to assist you. The IVR is available 24/7 with the exception of system upgrades or routine maintenance. The IVR menu options that require system access are available Monday - Friday 6 am - 9 pm and Saturday 6 am - 4 pm CT (please note that some options which access the Common Working Files may have shorter availability).

The IVR offers information regarding claim status, pending claims, redetermination status, beneficiary eligibility, Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) status for same or similar equipment inquiries, Skill Nursing Facility (SNF)/inpatient hospital stay information, hospice information, diabetic supply claims, diabetic shoe claims, pricing, outstanding checks, the last five checks issued, and offset status. It also offers general information, such as customer service hours of operation. Our customer service representatives are available at 866.590.6727 Monday - Friday from 7 am - 4 pm CT for inquiries that cannot be handled through the IVR.

For an abbreviated/quick reference version of the information below, refer to our IVR User Guide (Flow Chart)PDF.

CGS now offers a feedback survey. To participate, return to the main menu after your inquiry, then press star.

Current features of the IVR:

Note: To protect beneficiaries from Medicare fraud, CGS will disable beneficiary eligibility information on February 28, 2025, at 5 pm CT (6 pm ET).

Option 1 – Beneficiary Information

Press 1 – Beneficiary Medicare Eligibility Information

  • Part A entitlement date
  • Part B entitlement date
  • Most recent entitlement reason, if available
  • Deductible current and previous year
  • Medicare Advantage Plan enrollment information
  • Medicare Secondary Payer information

Press 1 – SNF/Inpatient Hospital Stay

  • SNF or inpatient hospital facility claim on file for the date of service entered
  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the facility and the website address for National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) for inpatient claims
  • The admission date
  • Type of discharge and date of discharge

Press 2 – Hospice Information

  • Start and end date of the most current hospice episode

Press 3 – Home Health Information

  • Start and end date of the most current home health episode
  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the home health agency and the website address for National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
  • The patient status

Press 2 – CMN Status

  • Initial, recert, or revision date
  • Length of need
  • Previous supplier's phone number for rented items
  • Last rental date billed for rented items
  • Total months paid for rented items

Press 3 – Oxygen CMN Status

  • Most current stationary CMN information
  • Most current portable CMN information
  • Initial, recert, or revision date
  • Length of need
  • Previous supplier's phone number
  • Last paid date with modifier
  • Total number of paid claims per modality
  • Other oxygen CMNs on file

Press 4 – Diabetic Supplies and Diabetic Shoes Information

  • Claims on file for lancets and test strips billed within 90 days before and after the date of service entered
  • Claims on file for other diabetic supplies billed within six months before and after the date of service and procedure code entered
  • Claims on file for diabetic shoes billed within the calendar year entered
  • Claims on file for diabetic shoe inserts billed within the calendar year and procedure code entered

Option 2 – Claim Information

Press 1 – Claim Status Inquiry (pending, on the payment floor, denied, paid, and/or applied to deductible)

  • Line by line explanation of the payment/denial
  • Expected payment amount and check date for claim on the payment floor
  • Appeal rights on denied claims
  • Multiple Medicare numbers
  • Multiple NPI numbers

There is no limit to the number of claims you can check in the IVR!!

Press 2 – Pending Claim Information

  • Payment floor information
    • Total number of claims
    • Total submitted amount
    • Total expected payment
  • Pending claims at Common Working File (CWF)
    • Total number of claims
    • Total submitted amount
  • Other pending claims
    • Total number of claims
    • Total submitted amount

Press 3 – Redetermination Information

  • Redetermination status (pending, reversed, partially reversed, upheld, or dismissed)

Press 4 – To order a duplicate remittance notice

Press 5 – Ordering/Referring Provider Information

Option 3 – Payment Information

Press 1 – Pricing

Press 2 – Check Information

  • Outstanding check information
    • Check date
    • Check amount
  • Last five checks issued
    • Check date
    • Check amount

Press 3 – Offset Information

  • Claim details of original overpayment
  • Original overpayment letter date and current offset balance

Option 4 – General Information

Press 1 – Information on Your Appeal Rights

Press 2 – Customer Service Hours of Operation

Press 3 – Call Center Closure Schedule

Quick tips on accessing information through the IVR:

To enter a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), formerly known as your supplier number:

Enter the 10-digit number followed by the # key.

The IVR will repeat the number entered. Press 1 if the number entered is correct. If you would like to reenter the number, press 2.

To enter a beneficiary's Medicare number:

Press 1 for the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI).

To enter an MBI:

Press * to indicate you are entering a letter.

To enter a letter, you will need to press 2 keys.

  1. Press the key that contains the letter on your telephone key pad.
  2. Press 1, 2, or 3 to indicate the position of the letter on the telephone key pad (i.e., to enter the letter A, press 2 1).
    1. Assume letter Q is located on the 1 key pad. Q is the first position (i.e., to enter the letter Q, press 1 1).

Press 2 for the Healthcare Insurance Claim Number (HICN).

If the Medicare number begins with a letter, press 1. Then,

  • If the prefix letter is A, press 1.
  • If the prefix letters are CA, press 2
  • If the prefix letters are MA, press 3.
  • If the prefix letters are PA, press 4.
  • If the prefix letters are WA, press 5.
  • If the prefix letters are WD, press 6.
  • If the prefix letters are WCA, press 7.
  • If the prefix letters are WCD, press 8.

If it is any other letter(s) press 9.

  • If the prefix letter is H, press 1.
  • If the prefix letters are JA, press 2.
  • If the prefix letters are MH, press 3.
  • If the prefix letters are PD, press 4.
  • If the prefix letters are PH, press 5.
  • If the prefix letters are WH, press 6.
  • If the prefix letters are WCH, press 7.

Enter the 6 or 9 numbers following the prefix, followed by the # key.

If the Medicare number begins with a number, press 2. Then,

Enter the nine-digit Medicare number.

The system will then prompt you to enter the alpha character at the end of the Medicare number.

  • If the letter is A, press 1.
  • If the letter is B, press 2.
  • If the letter is C, press 3.
  • If the letter is D, press 4.
  • If the letter is M, press 5.
  • If the letter is T, press 6.
  • If the letter is W, press 7.
  • If it is any other letter(s), press 8.
    • To enter a letter, you will need to press two keys. Press the key that contains the letter on your telephone key pad. Then press 1, 2, or 3 depending on the position of the letter on the telephone key pad (i.e., to enter the letter A, press 2 1). Assume letters Q and Z are located on the 1 key. The Q is in the first position and the Z is in the second position (i.e., to enter the letter Z, press 1 2).

    If the letter is followed by a number, press 1. If the letter is followed by another letter, press 2. If no number or letter follows the letter, press the # key.

To enter a date of service, use MM/DD/YY format (e.g., 010107).

To enter a Financial Control Number (FCN) number:
Enter the FCN number including any sequence number followed by the # key. Exclude the first two zeros of FCN located on an overpayment letter.

To enter the beneficiary's first initial:
Enter the beneficiary's first initial by using the letters on your telephone keypad (i.e., for A, enter 2).

To enter the beneficiary's last name:
Enter the first six letters of the beneficiary's last name by using the letters on your telephone keypad, followed by the # key (i.e., for Smith, enter 76484#). Include any suffixes, such as "Jr." or "III" if included in first 6 letters (i.e., for Smith Jr. enter 764845#). Exclude any special characters, such as a hyphen or apostrophe.

The corresponding letters of the telephone keypad numbers are:

  • If the letter is A, B, or C, enter 2.
  • If the letter is D, E, or F, enter 3.
  • If the letter is G, H, or I, enter 4.
  • If the letter is J, K, or L, enter 5.
  • If the letter is M, N, or O, enter 6.
  • If the letter is P, Q, R, or S, enter 7.
  • If the letter is T, U, or V, enter 8.
  • If the letter is W, X, Y, or Z, enter 9.

Beneficiary Information (Option 1)

For eligibility information, press 1. To verify Medicare eligibility for a beneficiary, you must provide your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of tax identification number (TIN), the beneficiary's Medicare number, date of birth, and the beneficiary's name. This option will provide the Medicare Part A and B entitlement date and term date, the most recent reason for entitlement, the current and previous year deductible remaining, Medicare Advantage Plan information, home health episode information, and Medicare secondary payer information.

Press 1 to receive SNF/Inpatient hospital information for the same beneficiary. If a facility claim is on file for the date of service entered, the IVR will provide the NPI of the facility and the website address for NPPES, if the beneficiary was still inpatient, the admission date, and the type and date of discharge, if the beneficiary was discharged.

Press 2 to receive hospice information for the same beneficiary. The IVR will provide the start and end date of the most current Hospice episode on file.

Press 3 to receive home health information for the same beneficiary. The IVR will provide the start date and end date for the most current Home Health episode on file, the NPI of the home health agency and the website address for NPPES, and the patient status.

You may press 1 or 2 at any time after the beneficiary information is entered.

For CMN status, press 2. You must provide your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, the beneficiary's Medicare number, the beneficiary's name and date of birth, and the procedure code. This option will provide CMN information on file for the procedure code entered and CMN information on any similar equipment on file for a beneficiary. The IVR will provide the initial, recert, or revision date, the length of need, the previous supplier's phone number, the last rental date billed, and the total months paid for rented items. If there is more than one same or similar CMN on file for the procedure code entered, the IVR will prompt you to listen to all related CMNs.

For oxygen CMN status, press 3. You must provide your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, the beneficiary's Medicare number, and the beneficiary's name and date of birth. This option will provide the most current oxygen CMN information on file by modality (stationary or portable). The IVR will provide the initial, recert, or revision date; the length of need; the previous supplier's phone number; the last paid date with modifier; and the total number of paid claims per modality. If there is more than one same or similar CMN on file for the modality chosen, the IVR will prompt you to listen to all related CMNs.

Press 1 to receive stationary oxygen information.

Press 2 to receive portable oxygen information.

For diabetic supplies and diabetic shoes information, press 4. You must provide your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, the beneficiary's Medicare number, and the beneficiary's name and date of birth. If you select 1 for diabetic supplies, this option will provide claims on file for lancets and test strips billed within 90 days before and after the date of service entered. The IVR will return the procedure code billed, the date of service, the number of services, the NPI of the billing supplier, and state if the service was not approved for payment. You may also opt to check claims for other diabetic supplies. You may enter the last four digits of the procedure code, and the IVR will check for claims for that code billed within 6 months before and after the date of service entered.

If you select 2 for diabetic shoes, this option will check for diabetic shoe claims billed within the calendar year entered. The IVR will return the procedure code billed, the date of service billed, the number of services, the NPI of the billing supplier, and state if the service was not approved for payment. You may also opt to check claims for diabetic shoe inserts. You may enter the last four digits of the procedure code and the IVR will check for claims for that code billed within the calendar year entered.

Claim Information (Option 2)

For claim status, press 1. To receive claim status, you must enter your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, the beneficiary's Medicare number and name, and the date of service. (See instructions above on entering this information.) After getting the status of a claim, you may choose from the following:

  • For line by line information on the claim, press 1. (Appeal rights and denial information on non-covered claims will be given.)
  • To continue, press 2.
  • To order a duplicate remittance notice on the claim, press 1.
  • To continue, press 2.
  • To receive claim information on another claim for the same date of service, press 1.
  • To receive claim information on this Medicare number for a different date of service, press 2.
  • To receive claim information on a different Medicare number, press 3.
  • To have this information repeated, press 7.
  • To return to the main menu, press 8.
  • To receive information on a different PTAN, press 9.

For pending claim information, press 2. You will need to enter your NPI, PTAN, and last five digits of TIN.

Press 1, and the total amount of claims, the total submitted amount, and the total expected payment amount for the claims currently on the payment floor will be provided.

Press 2, and the total amount of claims and the total submitted amount for the claims pending at the CWF will be provided.

Press 3, and the total amount of claims and the total submitted amount for other pending claims will be provided.

For redetermination information, press 3. To verify redetermination information, you must provide your NPI, PTAN, and the last five digits of your TIN.

To receive redetermination status, you must provide the beneficiary's Medicare number, the beneficiary's name, and the Document Control Number (DCN) or Claim Control Number (CCN), Internal Control Number (ICN) of the claim that is being appealed. The IVR will provide the status of your redetermination request, including whether it is pending, reversed, partially reversed, upheld, or dismissed.

For a duplicate remittance notice, press 4. You will need your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, and the payment report date. You will receive a duplicate remittance notice in the mail.

For ordering/referring provider information, press 5. You will need your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, and the NPI and last name of the ordering/referring provider. This option will verify if the ordering/referring provider is currently enrolled in Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS).

Payment Information (Option 3)

For the Medicare allowed amount on a specific procedure code, press 1. You must provide your NPI, PTAN, last five digits of TIN, specify the state where the beneficiary resides, and the HCPCS code and modifiers. The current Medicare allowed amount will be provided.

To enter letters for a state code:

  • Using the letters on your touchtone telephone, enter the first letter of the state where the beneficiary resides. For example: If the beneficiary resides in Alabama, press the 2 key.
  • Select the state desired by entering the number provided by the IVR. For example: For Michigan, press 1; for Minnesota, press 2; for Ohio, press 3. (Only the states serviced by Jurisdiction B will be available.)

To enter the HCPCS code you're looking for:

  • If the procedure code begins with A, press 1.
  • If the procedure code begins with B, press 2.
  • If the procedure code begins with E, press 3.
  • If the procedure code begins with K, press 4.
  • If the procedure code begins with J, press 6.

Enter the next 4 digits of the procedure code.

If there is a modifier at the end of the procedure code, press 1. Otherwise, press 2.

If the procedure code is followed by a modifier:

  • If the modifier is NU, press 1.
  • If the modifier is RR, press 2.
  • If the modifier is UE, press 3.
  • If the modifier is KFRR, press 4.
  • If the modifier is KFNU, press 5.
  • If the modifier is KO, press 6.
  • If the modifier is KP, press 7.
  • If the modifier is KQ, press 8.
  • If the modifier is MS, press 9.

For check information, press 2. You will need to enter your NPI, PTAN, and the last five digits of your TIN.

Press 1 for the outstanding checks on file for the last month, including the check date and check amount.

Press 2 for the last five checks issued to the PTAN entered. This includes the check date and check amount.

For offset information, press 3. You will need to enter your NPI, PTAN, the last five digits of your TIN, and the FCN number located on your Medicare remittance notice. You will have the option to receive claim detail information on the original overpayment and/or the original overpayment letter date and current offset balance amount. The claim detail information includes the beneficiary's Medicare number, overpayment amount, and dates of service for each claim involved in the original overpayment. Claim detail information is available for FCNs that contain 34 claims or less. If the FCN contains more than 34 claims, you may request a copy of the original overpayment letter by faxing your request to 615.782.4477.

General Information (Option 4)

For information about your appeal rights, press 1. Information about what services are eligible for a review, the elements that should be included in a review request, and the proper party to a review is provided.

For customer service hours of operation, press 2. The IVR provides the hours of operation and telephone number of the customer service line.

For Call center closure schedule, press 3. The IVR provides the scheduled closure of the call center.

To repeat these choices, press 7.

To return to the main menu, press 8.

To get information about another NPI/PTAN, press 9.

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