March 4, 2025
April 2025 Release "Dark Days"
To install the April 2025 release, the Common Working File (CWF) Host will observe a Gray Day on Thursday, April 3, and Dark Days on Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6.
What this means to you:
- It's customary for contractors to hold claims for several days following a quarterly release. Claims submitted during this period won't continue to process until the nightly system cycle runs on Tuesday, April 8.
- We anticipate claims will still process within the normal timeframe and the slight delay won't affect the timeliness of your payments.
- You can still access beneficiary eligibility information, but it won't update during the dark day period.
Home Health & Hospice providers: You can still submit Notices of Admission (NOAs) and Notices of Election (NOEs). If you feel the dark day period caused a late NOA/NOE submission, you must provide the appropriate supporting documentation with the associated final claim.