myCGS Help Desk and Contact Information
The myCGS web portal is designed to allow for easy self-registration without having to contact CGS. In the event you need technical support during registration or experience any connectivity issues, the EDI Help Desk will be more than happy to assist you.
Before calling the CGS EDI Help Desk, you should read the “Did You Know?”, and/or refer to the myCGS User Manual. These tools have been created to provide you with additional self-service options.
The CGS EDI Help Desk can assist with connectivity or other technical questions. They are available during normal business hours at: 1.877.299.4500, choose option 2 for EDI.
If you need help with claim denials, locating claim submission requirements, or understanding how claim payments are calculated, you should call the Provider Contact Center at 1.877-299-4500, press option 1.
Updated: 11.24.21