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Claim Page 02 – Entering a Hospice Claim

Claim Page 02 (Map 1712) contains revenue codes, HCPCS codes, units, charges, and service dates. Hospices must report the level(s) of care provided to the beneficiary during the billing period. If the level of care changes, or if the service location changes, a separate revenue code line is required. Separate lines should not be reported for the same level of care unless the site of service Q code changes. Refer to CMS Pub. 100.04, Ch. 11 §30.3External PDF for additional information. In addition, each nursing, aide, social worker, and therapy visit provided must be reported on a separate revenue code line.

Use the key and table below to determine what fields are required, and what information is required in each field.

Note: The codes listed on this page represent those most frequently submitted on hospice claims. A complete listing of all codes is accessible from the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) Official UB-04 Data Specifications ManualExternal Website.



  • RED = Required field
  • BLUE = Optional field
  • GREEN = Conditional field, dependent on the type of claim
  • PURPLE = System generated field
  • BLACK = Not required field

Field Descriptions for Claim Page 02 – Map 1712

The MID (Medicare ID), TOB, S/LOC and Provider fields are system generated from Claim Page 01.

Field Name/Requirement

UB-04 Form Locator (FL)




FL 42

FISS Page 02 will hold up to 14 revenue code lines per page. To enter additional revenue code lines, press F6 to scroll down to revenue code page (REV CD PAGE) 02. There are 33 revenue code pages and 450 total revenue code lines available.

The REV field is a four-position field. You may enter a zero before the revenue code (e.g. 0651) or enter the three-digit code (e.g. 651) and then use your TAB key to go to the next field.

Level of Care
Enter the appropriate revenue code(s) for the level of care provided (0651, 0652, 0655, 0656) (see descriptions below).

  • A separate revenue code line must be billed each time the level of care changes. However, separate lines should not be reported for the same level of care unless the site of service Q code changes.
  • Each day of continuous home care (revenue code 0652) must be billed on a separate revenue code line.

Enter the appropriate revenue code for the discipline(s) provided (042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, 057X).

  • A separate revenue code line is required for each visit provided, with the following exceptions:
    • Visits provided under respite and/or GIP by non-hospice staff in a contracted facility are not reported.
    • Visits provided prior to January 1, 2014, under GIP by hospice-employed staff are reported weekly (Sun-Sat).
    • Visits provided between January 1 and April 1, 2014, under GIP by hospice-employed staff may be reported on a separate revenue code line for each visit.
    • Visits provided on/after April 1, 2014, under GIP by hospice-employed staff must be reported on a separate revenue code line for each visit.

Physician Services
Enter revenue code 0657 for physician services, when appropriate. Refer to the 'Billing Hospice Physician and Nurse Practitioner (NP) ServicesPDF' Web page for more information.

Room and Board
Enter revenue code 0659 only if you wish to receive a line item denial. See the Hospice Room and Board CGS Web page for details.

Enter revenue code 0250 when providing non-injectable provided on/after April 1, 2014.

  • For claims with dates of service before October 1, 2018, a separate revenue code line is required for each drug fill.
  • For claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018, report a monthly charge total for all drugs during the billing period.

Note: For claims with dates of service before October 1, 2018, in addition to revenue code 0250, hospices must also report the National Drug Code (NDC), quantity and the qualifier for each drug. The NDC is reported in Loop 2410 of the 837 transaction. If you are entering your claim in FISS via DDE, press F11 from Page 02 to access the MAP171E screen to report the NDC. For claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018, hospices are no longer required to report a charge total and amount dispensed per drug. Refer to MM10573External PDF for additional information.

A list of current NDC codes can be accessed at Website

Infusion pump equipment
For claims with dates of service before October 1, 2018, enter the revenue code 029X (X=appropriate 4th digit) to report infusion pump equipment.

  • A separate revenue code line is required for each pump order.

Enter the revenue code 0294 to report infusion medications.

  • A separate revenue code line is required for medication fill.

Enter the revenue code 0636 to report injectable drugs.

  • A separate revenue code line is required for each drug fill.

For claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018, report a monthly charge total for infusion pump equipment with revenue code 029X (X=appropriate 4th digit), and infusion medications with revenue code 0294. Reporting injectable drugs using revenue code 0636 is no longer required. Refer to MM10573External PDF for additional information.



FL 44

Level of Care
Enter the appropriate HCPCS code (Q5001-Q5010) on each level of care revenue code line (0651, 0652, 0655 or 0656) to identify the service location where that level of care was provided. Refer to the list of HCPCS codes below.

Enter the appropriate HCPCS code on each discipline revenue code line (042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, 057X) that corresponds with the discipline provided. Refer to the list of HCPCS codes below.

Physician Services
Enter the appropriate HCPCS code that corresponds to the physician service provided (0657).

The following additional data is to be reported for services on/after April 1, 2014.
When HCPCS Q5003, Q5004, Q5005, Q5007, or Q5008 are reported, the facility NPI must also be reported in the SERV FAC NPI field on FISS claim page 03, or in Loop 2310E.

Enter the appropriate HCPCS code for the injectable drug, infusion pump, or infusion pump medication. A list of HCPCS codes for drugs is available from the CMS website.

NOTE: For claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018, HCPCS code reporting is not required for infusion pumps, and infusion medications (revenue code 029X and 0294). Refer to Change Request 10573External PDF for additional information.


Conditionally Required

FL 44

Modifiers. Use the appropriate modifier on hospice claims, when appropriate.

26 – Use modifier 26 to identify a physician's professional component of a technical service. The modifier may be reported when the patient's attending physician, or a physician who is contracted or employed by the hospice, has provided the professional component of an otherwise technical service. NOTE: When using the 26 modifier, include a brief remark in the "Remarks" field on FISS Claim Page 04 to indicate the service billed is for the professional component of a technical service.

GV – Report modifier GV when billing physician services (0657) performed by a nurse practitioner acting as the patient's attending physician.

PM – Report modifier PM when billing post-mortem visits provided on the date of death. Note: reporting of post-mortem is required for services on/after April 1, 2014.

KX – Report modifier KX to indicate you are requesting an exceptional circumstance for an untimely filed notice of election (NOE). Note: Per Change Request 8877External PDF, the KX modifier may be reported for dates of service on/after October 1, 2014.



FL 46

Enter the total units for each revenue code line.

  • For revenue codes 0651, 0655, or 0656, units = the number of consecutive days at that level of care.
  • For revenue code 0652, units = the number of 15-minute increments continuous care was provided.
  • For discipline revenue codes (042, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, 057X), units = the duration of the visit in 15-minute increments.
  • For 0657 (physician services), units = the number of procedures/services performed, as defined by the HCPCS code.

This data is required for services on/after April 1, 2014, and before October 1, 2018.

For 0636 (injectable drugs), units = amount filled based on the HCPCS description.

For 0250, units = as appropriate.

For 029X, units = as appropriate.

For 0294, units = amount filled based on the HCPCS description.

For services provided on or after October 1, 2018, revenue code 0636 is no longer required. Hospices may choose to report the units as '1' or the number of drugs reported during the billing period. Refer to Change Request 10573External PDF for additional information.



FL 46

Enter the number of covered units for the services billed.

For claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018, for revenue codes 0250 and 029X, hospices may choose to report the units as '1' or the number of drugs reported during the billing period. Refer to Change Request 10573External PDF for additional information.



FL 47

Enter the total charge per revenue code. The decimal point is optional (i.e. $1500.00 can be entered as 1500.00 or 150000). However, you must enter the two digits for the cents.

For more information about determining charges, refer to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual (CMS Pub. 100-04) Ch. 25, §75.5External PDF and the Provider Reimbursement Manual, Part 1, Ch. 22 §§2202, 2203, and 2204External Website


Conditionally Required

FL 48

Enter any noncovered charges billed per revenue code.



FL 45

For each revenue code line, a service date is required.

  • For revenue code 0651, 0655, and 0656, service date = the earliest date that level of care began for that consecutive period.
  • For revenue code 0652, service date = the date continuous home care was provided.
  • For discipline revenue codes (042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, 057X), service date = the date of the visit. If the visit begins on one calendar day and spans into the next calendar day, report the date the visits ended.
  • Revenue code 0657 (physician services), service date = the date of the physician's service.

For revenue code 0250, 0294, and 0636, service date = date drug filled. Revenue code 0636 is not required on claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018. Refer to MM1057External PDF for additional information.

For revenue code 029X, service date = date pump ordered.

NOTE: The service date reported must fall within the FROM and TO date reported on the claim.

Additional FISS Claim Pages

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Hospice Revenue Codes




Total charges


Pharmacy General Classification (required April 1, 2014)


Durable Medical Equipment (used to report Infusion Pumps/Medications) (required April 1, 2014)

0 – Durable medical equipment - General Classification
1 – Durable medical equipment - Med Equip/Rent
2 - Durable medical equipment - Med Equip/New
3 - Durable medical equipment - Med Equip/Used
4 – HHA/Supplies and drugs required for DME effectiveness


Physical Therapy

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge


Occupational Therapy

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge


Speech Language Pathology

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge


Skilled Nursing

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge


Medical Social Services

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge

9 – Other (phone calls)


Hospice Aide

0 – General Classification
1 – Visit Charge


Drugs Requiring Specific Identification (required April 1, 2014)

Revenue code 0636 is not required on claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018. Refer to MM10573External PDF for additional information.


General Classification (Request for denials)


Routine Home Care


Continuous Home Care


Respite Care


General Inpatient Care


Physician Services


Other Hospice (use this code when billing noncovered room and board )

For definitions of each hospice level of care, refer to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, (CMS Pub. 100-04), Ch. 11, §30.1 External PDF.

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Hospice HCPCS Codes

The following HCPCS are billed on the level of care revenue code lines to indicate the place where care was provided.

Hospice HCPCS Codes




Hospice care provided in patient's home/residence

Note: Q5001 cannot be billed with respite (0655) or GIP (0656). 


Hospice care provided in assisted living facility

Note: Q5002 cannot be billed with respite (0655) or GIP (0656).


Hospice care provided in nursing long term care (LTC) facility or non-skilled nursing facility (NF).

The MLN article clarifies the use of Q5003. If a beneficiary is in a nursing facility that does not meet the criteria as defined by Q5004 (see below), then Q5003 should be reported.

Note: Q5003 cannot be billed with GIP (0656). The facility NPI must also be reported in Loop 2310E.


Hospice care provided in skilled nursing facility (SNF).

The MLN article clarifies the Q5004 should be reported when the beneficiary is:

  • Receiving hospice care in a solely-certified SNF;
  • Received general inpatient care in the SNF;
  • In a SNF receiving SNF care under the Medicare SNF benefit for a condition unrelated to the terminal illness, and is receiving hospice routine home care (a rare occurrence); or
  • Receiving inpatient respite care in a SNF.

Note: Q5004 cannot be billed with continuous home care (0652). The facility NPI must also be reported in Loop 2310E.


Hospice care provided in inpatient hospital.

Note: Q5005 cannot be billed with continuous home care (0652). The facility NPI must also be reported in Loop 2310E.


Hospice care provided in inpatient hospice facility.

Note: Q5006 cannot be billed with continuous home care (0652).


Hospice care provided in long term care facility (LTCH).

Note: Q5007 cannot be billed with continuous home care (0652). The facility NPI must also be reported in Loop 2310E.


Hospice care provided in inpatient psychiatric facility.

Note: Q5008 cannot be billed with continuous home care (0652). The facility NPI must also be reported in Loop 2310E.


Hospice care provided in place not otherwise specified (NOS)


Hospice care provided in hospice facility. Used for hospice patients when routine home care or continuous home care is provided in:

  • A hospice residential facility; or
  • A hospice facility which is also certified to provide inpatient care.

Note: Q5010 cannot be billed with respite (0655) or GIP (0656).

The following HCPCS codes are required on the discipline revenue code lines (042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, 057X).




Physical Therapy (042X)


Occupational Therapy (043X)


Speech Language Pathology (044X)


Skilled Nursing (055X)

NOTE: Not valid for visits on or after January 1, 2016


Medical Social Services (056X)


Hospice Aide (057X)


Skilled Nursing (055X)

Direct skilled nursing services of a registered nurse (RN) in home health or hospice setting, each 15 minutes. Effective for visits on or after January 1, 2016.


Skilled Nursing (055X)

Direct skilled nursing of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) in the home health or hospice setting, each 15 minutes. Effective for visits on or after January 1, 2016.

Note: The above codes begin with a G and the number zero (G0); not G and the letter 'O'.

In accordance with Change Request 8358 (required effective April 1, 2014), HCPCS code must be reported on revenue code lines 029X and 0636. A list of HCPCS for drugs is available from the CMS website. HCPCS codes for revenue code 029X is not required on claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018. Revenue code 0636 is not required on claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2018. Refer to MM10573External PDF for additional information.

For additional guidance and resources, refer to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual (CMS Pub. 100-04), Ch. 11, §30.3 External PDF.

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Updated: 05.03.21


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