Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation
Medicare's Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) gives providers an option to use a new mechanism for submitting medical documentation to CGS. Currently, CGS accepts documentation via esMD for the following submissions.
- Medical Review Additional Development Requests (ADRs)
- Redeterminations
- Home Health Pre-Claim Review (PCR) Requests
Using the esMD system is completely voluntary. If you wish to begin sending medical documentation electronically via the esMD, you must obtain access to a CONNECT-compatible gateway. Providers may choose to build their own gateway; however, you may enter into a contract or other arrangement with a Health Information Handler (HIH). Refer to the Which HIHs Offer esMD Gateway Services to Providers Web page, which is available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website.
Providers using the esMD process should ensure that CGS's contractor number, 15004 (for home health and hospice providers), is clearly marked on the first page of your documentation. This will help to ensure that your documentation is routed to the CGS staff responsible for the home health and hospice documentation.
Additional Resources
Updated: 11.08.16