Top Claim Submission Errors for Hospice Providers: Error 37402
Reason for error: A hospice claim was submitted, but the previous claim is not found OR there is a gap between the "TO" date of the previous claim and the "FROM" date on the next claim.
Claim processing result: Return to provider (RTP)
How to prevent/resolve:
- Check the FISS Claim Inquiry Option (Option 12) to determine if the prior claim was submitted.
- Example below: No prior claim in FISS
- Example below: No prior claim in FISS
- If prior claim was submitted, ensure it is in a "P", "D", or "R" status code before submitting the next claim.
- Example below: Prior claim in "T" status; not "P", "D", or "R" as required.
- Example below: Prior claim in "T" status; not "P", "D", or "R" as required.
- Verify there is no gap between the "TO" date on the previous claim and the "FROM" date on the next claim.
- Example below: Gap in dates between prior claim's "TO" date (0429YY) and next claim's "From" date (0501YY).
- Example below: Gap in dates between prior claim's "TO" date (0429YY) and next claim's "From" date (0501YY).
Additional resources:
Updated: 10.31.18