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Provider Enrollment Interactive Help Tool

If you are enrolling in Medicare for the first time or making changes to your existing enrollment information and are choosing to complete the paper forms, this tool is for you. This CGS tool will help you complete the correct paper form(s) and identify the supporting documentation to complete the process as well as provide you with a barcoded application coversheet that will assist CGS with processing your application in a timely manner.

To begin, select which scenario applies to you: Sole Owner of a PA, PC or LLC or Sole Proprietor, Individuals Ordering and Referring, Individuals Reassigning to Established/Non Established Groups, Group and Organizations and Changes. Click on the hyperlink within the applicable category that fits the provider/supplier type you are enrolling as. You will be prompted with a series of questions. After answering these questions, the tool will provide direction as to what form(s) to complete and which supporting documents are required with the application submission.

Select your applicable provider/supplier type:

Sole Owner of a PA, PC or LLC or Sole Proprietor

Individuals Ordering and Referring

Individuals Reassigning to Established/Non-established Groups

Groups & Organizations


Disclaimer: CGS' online tools and calculators are informational and educational tools only, designed to assist suppliers and providers in submitting claims correctly. CGS makes no guarantee that this resource will result in Medicare reimbursement for services provided. Although we've made every reasonable effort to provide effective resources, CGS is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information that these tools provide. CGS is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.


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