How do I refund a Medicare overpayment?
Overpayments are Medicare payments to a provider/supplier in excess of amounts due and payable under the statute and regulations. If you discover an overpayment, you may report the overpayment by completing the Overpayment Recovery Request Form. This form is located on the Overpayments & Refunds Web Page under the Forms icon. Once completed, you may mail or fax the form. The mailing address and fax number are provided on the form. The Overpayment Refund Department will review the information provided and will send you a Demand Letter requesting a refund of the overpayment.
To refund the overpayment, send a refund check and complete the Overpayment Refund Form. For additional information refer to the Voluntary Refunds Web page. Another option is to request an immediate offset. Use the myCGS Web Portal or complete the Immediate Offset Request Form. Refer to the 'eOffsets' Job Aid
for assistance when using the myCGS Web Portal. For additional information, refer to the Offsets Web page.
If the full amount of the debt is not recouped within the first 30 days, the debt will accrue interest and follow normal collection processes. Make checks payable to "CGS Administrators, LLC."