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February 18, 2022

Register today!! Passport to Medicare Event Spots are Filling Up!!

CGS J15 Provider Outreach and Education is excited to invite you to register for our "Passport to Medicare," an in-person event being held in Columbus, Ohio on April 6 and 7, 2022. Registration is openExternal website, and the limited spots are filling up quickly. As, a reminder, to reach all CGS J15 provider types, we are educating on Medicare Part A topics on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 and Medicare Part B education will be provided on Thursday, April 7, 2022.

The day will be a mix of general and breakout sessions of your choice! The breakout sessions are based on your Medicare knowledge level and work responsibilities. Speakers will include the CGS Part A and Part B Contractor Medical Directors, CGS medical review clinical educators, staff from other CMS contractors, as well as members of the Provider Outreach and Education team.

Join us for one day or both days!! Our pricing is $150 to attend one day and $250 to attend both days.

Seating is limited due to appropriate COVID distancing and filling fast, so register today!External website

Passport to Medicare Event


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