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October 6, 2020

Non-Invasive Vascular Study  Billing and Coding Article (A56697) Revision

There were errors in grouping within the non-invasive vascular study article that were identified and corrected.

A summary of the changes are as follows:

  1. The article is now grouped in to eight groups.
  2. Cerebrovascular arterial studies and transcranial doppler previously grouped together and now separated into Group 1 and Group 2, respectively.
  3. Extremity arterial studies are Group 3.
  4. Extremity venous studies are Group 4.
  5. Visceral vascular studies are Group 5.
  6. Hemodialysis access studies are Group 6.
  7. Pre-surgical conduit mapping for coronary artery bypass procedures has been moved to a new Group 7.
  8. Pre-surgical vein-mapping for peripheral arterial bypass has been moved to a new group 8.
  9. ICD 10 codes have been rearranged where needed to align with the correct group.

There was no change in coverage in this revision. No ICD-10 codes were removed or added. The changes were to correct grouping error that was identified.


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