September 20, 2022
FISS DDE Screen Changes – October 2022
The October 2022 quarterly system release, scheduled to be implemented on October 3, 2022, includes the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) Direct Data Entry (DDE) screen change identified below.
MAP1716 – Claim Inquiry Page 06
To access the Claim Inquiry Page 06 screen (MAP1716), select Inquiries (01), Claim Summary (Option 12). Then, select a claim and go to page 06. A new one-byte claim level OPPS/Non-OPPS Flag field (IOCE OPPS FLAG) will display with one of the following values:
- 1 = Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)
- 2 = Non-OPPS
- Blank = Claim did not go to the Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE)
MAP1AB2 – Provider Practice Address Inquiry
To access this screen, select Inquiries (01), Provider Practice Address Query (Option 1D). Then, enter NPI and/or OSCAR and select an address. A new eight-byte field (PRAC ORIG EFF DT) will display with a value in MMDDCCYY format, if applicable.
Please share this information with your appropriate staff.