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February 27, 2020 - Updated: 03.18.20

Process Improvements Based On Your 2019 MSI Survey Feedback!

Your voice was heard and appreciated. We made improvements within the past year in response to your comments in the 2019 Medicare Administrator Contractor (MAC) Satisfaction Indicator (MSI) Survey feedback results. A few of the enhancements made, based on your feedback are listed below. Stay tuned for information about more CGS enhancements.


  • The Claims department created a Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) workgroup. This workgroup reviewed MPS related reason codes that cause MSP claims to be returned to the provider (RTP). As a result, 85 reason code narratives were updated to better explain what action providers need to take to allow the claim to continue processing (e.g., 31102 and U6805).
  • Work processes related to MSP claims were created to reduce the number of claims being RTPd.
  • The Claims department and Provider Outreach and Education (POE) department worked to respond to MSP related questions received from the MSP Basics webinar.

myCGS Web Portal

  • From the myCGS MBI Lookup tab, if you need additional eligibility information, you can simply click the "Check Eligibility" button and myCGS will take you directly to the Eligibility tab.
  • The myCGS Administrators unlock feature has been enhanced to allow you to unlock users who are disabled for not meeting the 30-day log-in requirement!

Provider Contact Center (PCC):

  • Last year we created the IVR and CTI Converter Tools. To better identify how this tool can be used by providers the name was changed to Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) and Name to Number Converter. This tool was also enhanced to reveal the characters needed to enter the MBI using the telephone keypad as they are entered. In addition, we've added examples showing how the beneficiary last name is entered when it's less than six characters.
  • CGS developed a "How Do I…? web page. Before you call the PCC, review the How Do I…? resource to find answers to your questions.
  • The Customer Service Contact Information Web pages were updated by adding a pop-up message that displays when your mouse hovers over the icon. The message explains what information is available for that icon.
  • In addition to the monthly PCC trainings set aside for our customer service representatives (CSRs), we continually review the top 10 telephone inquiries and have update internal tools to improve CSR consistency and 1st call resolution to better serve you.  

Provider Enrollment:

  • To better serve the provider community, CGS Provider Enrollment Management Team created the "What to Expect When EnrollingPDF" informational guide explaining the provider enrollment process from the contractor's perspective and gives providers an easy to follow guideline to the enrollment process. The guide delivers the answer as well as needed information for every step of the enrollment process.
  • We removed the requirement to include your zip code so it's easier than ever to search for the status of your application.
  • Provider enrollment letters were updated to improve overall understanding of information provided to establish clear expectations through the enrollment process.
  • Providers receive monthly enrollment tips to help ensure information submitted is accurate, which improves the time to process enrollment applications.
  • Providers were surveyed to identify topics of interest for upcoming Ask-the-Contractor Teleconferences (ACTs)
  • Further enhancements are planned for provider enrollment status tools on our website to expand search elements and multiple results.

Provider Outreach and Education (POE):

  • In January 2020, J15 Part A and HHH launched a pilot "Test your knowledge" bulletin quiz in order to increase the number of providers reviewing the monthly bulletin and ensuring understanding. J15 Part B launched the bulletin quiz in November 2019. Ten questions are presented as a survey at the end of the bulletin relating to the articles included. If a provider completes the quiz with 80% accuracy, they are sent a certificate of completion, which they can present to their respective associations or employers for education credit. The Quiz Central page was posted on the J15 Bulletin pages to house all quizzes.
  • Three videos were developed to introduce new providers to various resources, such as the listserv notification services offered by CGS and CMS, common websites, electronic billing, Calendar of Events and the Medicare Bulletin.
  • The Calendar of Events page was redesigned to provide an easy to view list of educational events. In addition, you may have noticed that we have significantly increased our educational events offerings! In 2019, CGS offered 83 webinar/teleconferences, 139 in-person events, and 7 ask-the-contractor teleconferences (ACTs).We heard your feedback, and we are out and about! Make sure you stay up to date on where we will be next or what webinar topic we have coming…
  • We also have plans for our first CGS Medicare Exhibition: Focus on Medicare, to be held June 17th and 18th in Columbus, OH. It's our opportunity to hear directly from you, show what we have to offer and build rapport with the provider community. Save the Date!
  • Did you miss an event?? Don't worry! We have recorded and posted many of our previous webinars! Check them out at the top of the Calendar of Events page!


  • The scrolling advertisement banner located on the top of the Part A, Part B, and HHH J15 main web page was updated to allow providers to navigate through ads and to prior ads. No more waiting for the next ad to scroll by!
  • CGS continues to add new online tools and calculators to the Self-Service Options Web page. Check out all the tools available that will assist you in your everyday tasks.

The 2020 MAC Satisfaction Indicator (MSI) Is Here

Evaluate Our Services!

The MAC Satisfaction Indicator (MSI)External Website is the best way to share your opinions directly with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about your experience with us. These survey results will help us gain valuable insights and determine process improvements.

Thank you for your feedback.


26 Century Blvd Ste ST610, Nashville, TN 37214-3685 © CGS Administrators, LLC. All Rights Reserved