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Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) & Name to Number Converter

Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Converter

The MBI format for each position is:

MBI Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Type C A AN N A AN N A A N N

A – Alphabetic Character (A…Z), Excluding S, L, O, I, B. Z
C – Numeric 1 thru 9
N – Numeric 0 thru 9
AN – Either A or N

NOTE: This conversion tool does not validate the beneficiary's Medicare number or eligibility to Medicare. It only provides the information you need to enter using the telephone keypad when using the IVR and is based only on the information you enter. The IVR will validate the beneficiary information.

Refer to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website for information about the new Medicare cardsExternal Website.

Beneficiary Name to Number Converter

At the prompt, enter the beneficiary's first initial of their first name.  Wait for the next prompt, then enter up to the first 6 letters of their last name in the "Enter Name" field followed by the '#' key.”


Beneficiary Name First initial/Last Name entered into converter Converted Number Numbers to enter on the telephone keypad
Susan Johnson S
7 5-6-4-6-7-6 First Initial: 7
Last Name: 5-6-4-6-7-6-#
Mary Jones M
6 5-6-6-3-7 First Initial: 6
Last Name: 5-6-6-3-7-#
John Lee III J
5 5-3-3-4-4-4 First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-4-4-4-#
John Lee Jr J
5 5-3-3-5-7 First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-5-7-#
John Lee J
5 5-3-3 First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-#

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