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Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) & Name to Number Converter
Before you call Customer Support or the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, use this tool to get the correct numbers to enter on your telephone keypad.
Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI)
Please enter a Medicare number to convert:
The following chart shows the telephone keypad sequence for each letter.
Letter |
Telephone Keypad |
A |
*21 |
B |
Not a valid option |
C |
*23 |
D |
*31 |
E |
*32 |
F |
*33 |
G |
*41 |
Letter |
Telephone Keypad |
H |
*42 |
I |
Not a valid option |
J |
*51 |
K |
*52 |
L |
Not a valid option |
M |
*61 |
N |
*62 |
Letter |
Telephone Keypad |
O |
Not a valid option |
P |
*71 |
Q |
*11 |
R |
*72 |
S |
Not a valid option |
T |
*81 |
U |
*82 |
Letter |
Telephone Keypad |
V |
*83 |
W |
*91 |
X |
*92 |
Y |
*93 |
Z |
Not a valid option |
NOTE: This tool does not confirm the beneficiary's Medicare number or eligibility.
Beneficiary Name
Enter the first letter of the patient's first name and first six letters of their last name:
Beneficiary Name |
First Initial/Last Name to enter into converter |
Converted Number |
Numbers to enter on the telephone keypad |
Susan Johnson |
SJohnso |
7-5-6-4-6-7-6 |
First Initial: 7
Last Name: 5-6-4-6-7-6-# |
Mary Jones |
MJones |
6-5-6-6-3-7 |
First Initial: 6
Last Name: 5-6-6-3-7-# |
John Lee III |
JLeeiii |
5-5-3-3-4-4-4 |
First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-4-4-4-# |
John Lee Jr |
JLeejr |
5-5-3-3-5-7 |
First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-5-7-# |
John Lee |
JLee |
5-5-3-3 |
First Initial: 5
Last Name: 5-3-3-# |
Mary Doe-Jones |
MDoejon |
6-3-6-3-5-6-6 |
First Initial: 6
Last Name: 3-6-3-5-6-6# |