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Content provided on this page contains outdated information and instruction and should not be considered current. CGS is providing this archived information for research purposes only. This archived section contains previously issued instructions that have since been updated or are no longer applicable for Medicare billing purposes.

February 9, 2016 - Revised 04.07.16

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Tier 1 and Tier 2 Coding and Billing Guidelines (CM00096,V2)

When the AMA developed and published the descriptions for the Tier 1 (T1) and Tier 2 (T2) codes in the Molecular Pathology Procedure Section, the technology for NGS was not fully developed. At that time labs typically used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and non-NGS sequence analysis to interrogate a single gene or gene component. Therefore, the T1 and T2 codes describe services for a single or occasionally two genes test and subdivide the descriptions by full gene sequence, common variants, duplication/deletion variants, and known familial variants.

NGS platforms have the ability to target and detect multiple specific genes of interest, including common variants, duplication/deletion variants, and known familial variants in one run to create a single report. Therefore, MolDX considers an NGS panel a single test with multiple potential indications. The AMA describes NGS gene panels in the Genomic Sequencing Procedure and Other Molecular Multianalyte Assay (GSP) Section.

To correctly report NGS panels for MolDX claim processing, please review the following guidelines:

  • Compare the CPT code descriptions in the GSP Section and select the panel that describes your test. Appropriate GSP codes include the following: CPT codes 81410, 81412, 81415, 81417, 81420, 81425, 81430, 81432, 81433, 81434, 81435, 81437, 81440, 81442, 81445, 81450, 81455, 81460, 81465, and 81470.
  • Do NOT report NGS tests with T1 (CPT codes 81161-81355) and T2 (CPT codes 81400-81408) even if a single gene or multiple genes are selected for testing. MolDX will deny NGS panels reported with T1 and T2 codes as an unbundled service from the primary NGS panel.
  • Report CPT codes 81445, 81450 and 81455 for tumor tissue-based targeted (i.e. "hotspot" )panels that test only for SNVs and small indels (10bp)
  • Report circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and matched tumor-normal testing with CPT code 81479
  • Report comprehensive NGS panels that perform tumor tissue-based testing on (. SNVs, small and large indels, CNVs and translocations/rearrangements) with CPT code 81479.
  • Tests reported with cde 81479 should be submitted for a technical assessment (TA) through DEX after a Z-Code identifier has been assigned. Please suspend claims submission until MolDX has determined coverage and reimbursement for your test.

Somatic and germline NGS test panel claim submission examples:

  1. One somatic NGS "hotspot" panel split into two tests based on indication and INCORRECTLY submitted with T1/T2 codes and two different Z-Code Identifiers.
    NGS Test Investigated Genes CPT Code Claim Submission ID
    NGS Colon Cancer Panel 1 BRAF, KRAS, and NRAS 81210, 81275, 81311 Incorrect Z1234
    NGS Lung Cancer Panel 2 EGFR, KRAS, and BRAF 81235, 81275, 81210 Incorrect Z4567
  2. One somatic NGS "hotspot" panel split into two tests based on indication and INCORRECTLY submitted with CPT code 81479 and two different Z-Code Identifiers.
    NGS Test Investigated Genes CPT Code Claim Submission ID
    NGS Colon Cancer Panel 1 BRAF, KRAS, and NRAS 81479 Incorrect Z1234
    NGS Lung Cancer Panel 2 EGFR, KRAS, and BRAF 81479 Incorrect Z4567
  3. One somatic NGS "hotspot" panel for two different solid tumor indications and CORRECTLY submitted with CPT code 81445 and one Z-Code Identifier.
    NGS Test Patient Indication CPT Code Claim Submission ID
    NGS: targeted genomic sequence analysis panel, solid organ Colon cancer 81445 Correct Z4444
    NGS: targeted genomic sequence analysis panel, solid organ Lung cancer 81445 Correct Z4444
  4. One germline test for two patients with different hereditary cancer indications and CORRECTLY submitted with CPT code 81432 and one Z-Code Identifier.
    NGS Test Patient Indication CPT Code Claim Submission ID
    NGS: Hereditary breast cancer-related disorders (breast, ovarian, endometrial…) Breast cancer 81432 Correct Z5555
    NGS: Hereditary breast cancer-related disorders Endometrial cancer 81432 Correct Z5555
  5. *Do not submit CPT code 81432 in addition to T1/T2 testing on the same patient.
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