April 1, 2020
Medical Review Update
On January 31, 2020, Secretary Azar of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) declared a nationwide public health emergency. On March 13, 2020, Secretary Azar authorized waiver and modifications under §1135 of the Social Security Act retroactive to March 1, 2020. CGS understands the effect of COVID-19 on our provider community. In response to questions received regarding Medical Review Additional Document Requests (ADRs) and Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) activity, at this time, CGS has temporarily suspended TPE reviews. Our medical review and provider outreach and education staff will continue to be available to conduct education sessions and provide answers to questions to ensure that providers understand regulatory guidelines to prevent improper payment. To reschedule a TPE educational session, request an educational session related to medical review topics, or for medical review general TPE questions please contact us at one of the email addresses below or contact the appropriate provider contact center (PCC) here.
- Part A Medical Review: J15AprobeandEducation@cgsadmin.com
- Part B Medical Review: J15BPROBEANDEDUCATION@cgsadmin.com
- HHH Medical Review: J15HHprobeandEducation@cgsadmin.com