September 18, 2023
FISS DDE Screen Changes – October 2023
The October 2023 quarterly system release, scheduled to be implemented on October 2, 2023, includes the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) Direct Data Entry (DDE) screen changes identified below.
Change Request (CR) 13138 instructs contractors to expand the following:
- The display screen dimension size to accommodate expanded monetary amount fields related to billing and payment
NOTE: This will change the way information appears on each screen.
- Ensure your font size is set to Auto (select Options, Display, Font, Auto). Changes to the font size may cause certain fields to not display and/or other errors.
- If you encounter an error message, please share this article with your vendor to ensure the software update is complete and correct (Model 4 dimension size 43 x 80).
- Monetary amount fields to display and allow provider entry of a dollar amount up to 10 digits ($99,999,999.99) or 11 digits for the total charges fields and Revenue Code 0001 line
MAP1741 – Claim Summary Inquiry (Option 12)
The TOT CHG (total charges) field will expand to accommodate 11 digits.
MAP1712 – Claim Page 02 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
These fields will expand to accommodate:
- 10 digits – TOT UNITS (total units) and COV UNITS (covered units)
- 11 digits – TOT CHARGE (total charges) and NCOV CHARG (non-covered charges)
- 13 digits – SERV RATE (service rate)
MAP171A – Claim Page 02 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
These fields will expand to accommodate:
- 10 digits – TOT UNT (total units) and COV UNT (covered units)
- 11 digits – TOT CHRG (total charges), PAID (patient paid), SERV RATE (service rate), LABOR (labor amount), and NON-LABOR (non-labor amount)
The screen will also expand to display 25 lines instead of 24.
MAP171D – Claim Page 02 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
These fields will expand to accommodate:
- 10 digits – COV UNT (covered units), NON COV UNT (non-covered units), and total non-covered units (0001 Revenue Code line)
- 11 digits – COV CHRG (covered charges), NON COV CHRG (non-covered charges), and total non-covered charges (0001 Revenue Code line)
MAP1713 – Claim Page 03 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
These fields will expand to accommodate 11 digits: EST AMT DUE (estimated amount due) and DUE FROM PATIENT.
MAP1719 – Claim Page 03 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
The monetary amount fields will accommodate 10 digits.
MAP1716 – Claim Page 06 (Inquiries and Claims/Attachments)
These fields will expand to accommodate:
- 9 digits – COIN (coinsurance)
In addition, a separate CR instructed FISS to remove the HCPC Codes inquiry screens (Option 14). The New HCPC Screen inquiry (Option 1E) is still available.
MAP1702 – Inquiry Menu
Please share this information with your appropriate staff.