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April 27, 2022

DDE Recertification Extended Deadline

Attention CGS J15 Providers!

CGS J15 planned to conclude the Annual Recertification process on April 30, 2022. Currently, we have over 3000 users who have not completed the annual recertification.

In an effort to ensure that DDE/PPTN access is not terminated for these users, CGS has decided to extend the Annual DDE PPTN Recertification period to May 31, 2022. If you have users that need to complete the Annual Recertification, please complete the following form as soon as possible:

Don’t Delay!

Once the termination process has begun for a user, a J15 DDE PPTN Application/Reactivation form must be submitted. The normal 20 business days for processing will be applied to the new application. Please resubmit your Annual Recertification form to prevent any termination or access to DDE/PPTN.


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