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May 1, 2020

Kentucky & Ohio Joint Open Public Draft/Revised LCD Discussion Meeting: Draft Local Coverage Determinations – Tuesday, June 23, 2020

CGS will host a Joint Kentucky & Ohio Open Meeting which is an opportunity for providers and the general public to provide their comments related to the development of Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) for Medicare Jurisdiction 15.

DATE: June 23, 2020
TIME: 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET
PLACE: In order to comply with current regulations regarding group gatherings and because we can effectively host via teleconference CGS, with CMS approval, has decided to cancel the in-person component of the June meetings. The meeting will be held entirely via teleconference.

Please note that this is the Open Public meeting to discuss the development process of Draft LCDs or Revisions to current LCDs and not the Contractor Advisory Committee Meetings (CAC).

Webinar/teleconference Registration linkExternal Website (dial in information will be provided after registration).

Please note that you must register in order to view the webinar.

The following draft LCDs will be discussed:

  1. MolDX: Prognostic and Predictive Molecular Classifiers for Bladder Cancer
  2. MolDX: Liquid biopsies for solid organ transplantation
  3. MolDX: Phenotypic Biomarker Detection in Circulating Tumor Cells
  4. MolDX: Breast Cancer IndexTM (BCI) Gene Expression Test (L37832)
  5. MolDX: EndoPredict Breast Cancer Gene Expression Test
  6. Urine Drug Screen
  7. Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation for Osteoporotic Fractures (revised)
  8. Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitor

Link to the Draft LCDs: Draft policies will be available to view on 05/28/2020

Interested parties who wish to make presentations related to the draft LCD(s) must submit a written request, no later than June 16, 2020, to and include the following information:

  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of presenter
  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of organization
  • Name of draft LCD
  • Copy of the presentation(s)
  • Completed Conflict of Interest (COI) FormPDF for each topic you wish to present

The presentation and COI form must be attached to your request(s). Each presenter will have equal time based on the number of presentations requested. Once all requests are received, we will notify each presenter of the time allocation via email approximately one week prior to the meeting.

Future Meetings – ** Tentative Schedule for 2020:

  • Kentucky – Tuesday, October 13th, 2020
  • Ohio – Wednesday, October 14th, 2020


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