December 16, 2019
HHAs: Avoid Payment Delays, Register for iQIES Now
Provider Education Message:
HHAs: Avoid Payment Delays, Register for iQIES Now
Why register in the upgraded internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) by December 23? Claims that cannot be matched to assessments will be returned to you, preventing Medicare payment.
- Beginning January 1, 2020, you must use iQIES to submit patient assessments and view associated reports. You must register and verify your identity in the HCQIS Access Roles and Profile (HARP) system before logging-in to iQIES.
- The iQIES system will be down periodically in preparation for the January 1, 2020, iQIES release.
- Allows time for manual identity proofing.
- Avoids delays in Help Desk support because of an influx of users requesting last-minute access to iQIES.
To access iQIES, you must identify the Provider Security Official (PSO). Register two PSOs if possible; they must approve or reject user access requests for your organization, including vendors. Registered security officials have access to "My Profile" and "Help" in iQIES. Note: The rollout of iQIES will not change how you submit data.
For More Information:
- Register for an iQIES Account
- iQIES Onboarding Guide
- Remote Identify Proofing Requirements
- HARP Frequently Asked Questions
- MLN Matters® article
Contact: or 800-339-9313