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October 15, 2019 - Updated 10.16.19

Update: Common Working File (CWF) Missing Beneficiary Eligibility Information

Due to processing issues at the Enrollment Database (EDB) entitlement data sent for new and/or updated beneficiaries processed at the Common Working File (CWF) between October 7, 2019 and October 9, 2019, posted with blank/ZERO entitlement dates causing some claims to reject with reason code U5200. After discovering the issue, CGS suspended some claims. The issue with the EDB has been corrected and the beneficiary entitlement dates have been restored. CGS will release the claims suspended with reason code U5200 to continue processing.

If you had claims reject with reason code U5200, please verify that the beneficiary was eligible on the date of service and the claim was rejected incorrectly, and resubmit the claim to CGS for processing.


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