Top Claim Submission Errors for Home Health Providers: Error 38107
Reason for error: Home health final claim submitted; however, a processed, matching RAP cannot be found. The most common reasons for this error include:
- A Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) was required; however, a RAP was not billed, or a processed RAP was not found in FISS when the final claim was submitted.
- The RAP auto-canceled because the final claim was not received timely. If the final claim is not received timely, FISS will automatically cancel the RAP and Medicare will recoup the RAP payment.
- Under HH PPS, a final claim must match to a processed RAP within the greater of 60 days from the:
- End of the episode; or
- Date the RAP paid.
- Under HH PPS, a final claim must match to a processed RAP within the greater of 60 days from the:
- Key information on the final claim did not match the information submitted on the RAP. This includes:
- Provider number/identifier of the billing home health agency (FL 56)
- "FROM" date of the episode (FL 6)
- Date of admission (FL 12)
- First four positions of the Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) code (FL 44)
- If the fifth position of the HIPPS code needs to change based on the provision of non-routine supplies, your HHA should ensure that the supply severity level between the RAP and final claim for the same episode of care does not change.
- Date of service billed with the HIPPS code (FL 45)
Claim processing result: Return to Provider (RTP)
How to prevent/resolve:
- Prior to submitting the final claim, access FISS Claim Inquiry option (Option 12) to determine if the RAP is in FISS status/location (S/LOC) P B9997
- You should not submit the final claim for the episode unless the RAP is in this S/LOC
- Review your Medicare Remittance Advice timely to verify the RAP has completed processing
- Submit the final claim prior to the greater of 60 days from when the RAP paid or the end of the episode
- Prior to submitting the final claim, ensure the RAP has not auto-canceled
- Step 1: Access FISS Inquiry Option 12
- Step 2: Enter your HHA's National Provider Identifier in the NPI field
- Step 3: Enter the beneficiary's Medicare number in the MID field
- Step 4: Enter P B9997 in the S/LOC field
- Step 5: Enter 328 in the TOB field
- Step 6: Enter your episode's start date in the FROM date field
- Step 7: Press Enter
- FISS will return a listing of billing transactions that meet the criteria entered
- If a 328 type of bill is displayed, tab down to it and key an "S" in the SEL field
- Press Enter
- Press your F8 key to page forward to FISS Page 03
- Review the information in the ADJUSTMENT REASON CODE field at the bottom of the screen
- If the letters NF appear in this field, FISS auto-canceled your RAP because the final claim was not received timely
- If your RAP auto-canceled, re-bill the RAP and wait for it to process (P B9997)
- Submit the final claim for the episode
- If FISS does not return a 328 TOB, press your F3 button and follow Steps 1 through 7
- If FISS still does not return a 328 TOB, then your RAP did not auto-cancel
- Submit the final claim for the episode
- Prior to submitting the final claim, ensure that the key information (listed above) for the episode's RAP and claim matches.
Additional Resource
Posted: 10.31.18