January 28, 2021
Observer – CAC Webinar Quick Reference
Prior to the meeting
- Complete the online Observer registration form to attend in listen only mode.
- WebEx will send an invitation to you upon registration with the link required to connect to the meeting. A reminder email will be sent the day before the meeting.
- Join the meeting 10 minutes prior to the start time in order to resolve any technical difficulties.
During Meeting
- Use the link provided as part of the WebEx email invite to join the webinar. The Registration ID and Session password will automatically populate.
- You will receive one of the screens below depending on your operating system. It may be necessary to click on "Use Java". Then click on "Run" when the window appears. If you are unsuccessful joining this way, please try again selecting "Run a temporary application".
- Once in the webinar, you must join the teleconference in order to hear the meeting. For the clearest audio, a landline is recommended. Have the system call you by entering your phone number.
- When you are completely connected, you will see the presentation slides with the navigation panel on the right-hand side.
- You will be able to hear the audio for the CAC webinar once you have WebEx call you at the number you designate. All observers are placed on mute to minimize background noise. You will see the slides move and hear our Host when the meeting begins. Meetings will begin on time.
- Please use the "Chat" window to communicate any WebEx technical issues to the Host. The Host will work to resolve the problem and respond to you.