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January 31, 2012

Top Five EDI Application Errors

We have reviewed the Top Five Reasons EDI Applications are Returned

  1. Application received without the Group PTAN
    • Please remember to list your group PTAN and NPI along with the individual PTAN and NPI
  2. No Submitter ID included on application, just the name of the clearinghouse
    • All applications must have a the Submitter ID
  3. Duplicate Application requests
    • When submitting completed forms, please allow a 20 business day processing time.
    • Remember CGS cannot process incomplete applications or agreements.
    • Please fill all appropriate blank areas on the application.
  4. Invalid PTAN or submitter ID listed on EDI application
    • A Submitter ID number is a unique number identifying electronic submitters. You must request a Submitter ID if you will be submitting claims directly to CGS
    • EDI applications cannot be processed without a valid PTAN and Submitter ID
  5. Signature page not signed or no signature page enclosed with application
    • EDI applications cannot be processed if the signature page is not completed or missing

For more information on CGS EDI options and tools, please visit our website at


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