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March 19, 2019

Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) Direct Data Entry (DDE) Screen Changes

The April 2019 quarterly system release, which will be implemented on April 1, 2019, includes changes to the following FISS DDE screens. In addition, the Part A DDE User Manual/Reference Guide and the home health and hospice FISS DDE Guide have been updated to reflect these changes.

New Inquiry Screen Option 1D – PROV PRACTICE ADDR QUER and MAP 1AB1 and MAP 1AB2

The PROV PRACTICE ADDR QUER, Option 1D, allows you to view the practice location address for an off-campus, outpatient, provider-based department of a hospital. Effective April 1, 2019, system edits will be activated that require the service facility address reported on the claim to be an exact match to the provider practice file address provided in this screen. For additional information, refer to the CMS MLN Matters article SE18023External PDF.

Note: This Inquiry screen is not applicable to home health and hospice providers.

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When 1D is entered in the ENTER MENU SELECTION field, the new inquiry screen MAP1AB1 will display. MAP1AB1 will list all off-campus, outpatient, provider-based departments for your provider.

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Enter an "S" in the SEL field and MAP1AB2 will display.

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MAP 171E

The MAP171E screen was updated by adding the MOLDX field.  MAP171E is accessed by pressing F11 once from Claim Page 02 (MAP1712). Refer to the CMS MLN Matters article MM10760External PDF at for additional information.

Providers will be able to manually enter or correct the Molecular Diagnostic Services (MolDx) test ID field. If the information entered in the MOLDX field is not valid, reason code 19956 will assign and the claim will be sent to the Return to Provide (RTP) status/location T B9997 for you to correct.

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MAP 1712

MAP1712 was updated to add two new fields for future Prior Authorization (PA) programs. The RRB EXCEL IND field identifies if a Railroad Medicare beneficiary is subject to Prior Authorization for services provided. The PROV VAL TYPE field identifies the designated provider on the claim.

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Valid values are:

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The following FISS DDE chapters have been updated with this information.


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