November 15, 2024
CGS is Retiring Policy LCD L34055 Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography) Effective 12/21/2024
CGS Administrators will be retiring policy L34055 Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography) effective 12/21/2024.
We wanted to let the provider community know of this change before being implemented, as this is a change from how we currently handle Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography).
he codes associated with this policy may be subject to coverage determinations under other Medicare policies such as local coverage determinations (LCD) or national coverage determinations (NCD).
In the absence of policy, the Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography) code(s) must still meet the reasonable and necessary provisions of the Social Security Act Title XVIII to be covered. Reasonable and necessary is defined in the IOM 100-08 Medicare Program Integrity Manual Chapter 3 Section