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September 12, 2018

myCGS Enhancement: Audit & Reimbursement (A&R) Secure Messaging

Part A providers are required to submit financial data, which supports amounts claimed in a cost report, directly to CGS. This financial information is reviewed and processed by our Audit & Reimbursement (A&R) team.

We are pleased to announce that myCGS has been enhanced to allow Part A providers to submit this very sensitive information and other correspondence securely to our A&R team. And, if necessary, our A&R team can correspond directly with Part A providers!

NOTE: Per the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), cost report submissions are no longer accepted through myCGS, or this enhancement. Please refer to MLN Matters® article MM10611External PDF for more on submitting cost reports.

To submit information using this enhancement:

Step 1: Once you are logged into myCGS, select the FORMS tab.

Step 2: From the 'Select a Topic' drop-down menu, click the 'Audit and Reimbursement' option.

Step 3: From the 'Select a Type' drop-down menu, click the 'A & R Correspondence Part A' option.

Step 4: Click on the 'A & R Correspondence Part A: AR-J15-A-7010' link to view the form.


Once the form loads, you will find some information pre-populated with identifying information for your PTAN/NPI.

Step 5: From the 'Fiscal Year End Date' field, select the date from the calendar icon or enter the fiscal year end date in the XX/XX/XXXX format.


Step 6: Enter the name of the specific CGS employee for whom the correspondence is being sent.

Step 7: In the 'Workload' field, click the drop-down box to select the subject of your correspondence. The options available are:

  • Tentative Settlement/Rate Review/PIP – Used to determine a tentative settlement after a cost report is submitted. A Rate Review and Periodic Interim Payment (PIP) are reviews to determine a rate to pay the provider.
  • Desk Review/Audit – Reviews to determine the accuracy of the cost report for final settlement.
  • Wage Index – A review of wages used by CMS to establish the wage index amounts used to calculate payment of claims.
  • Reopening – A review of issue(s) from a cost report that has been previously settled. This review is subsequent to a request received by a provider to correct an error made during the desk review or audit, or based on new data not available to the provider prior to the submission of the original cost report.
  • Cost Report Appeals – This is an appeal that may be requested that is related to adjustments made to the final settlement.
  • Detailed PS&R – This is a listing of claims for a set period in time.
  • Provider Based Determinations – A request to review provider based facilities to ensure they meet Medicare regulations.

NOTE: Please refer to MLN Matters® article MM10611External PDF for more on submitting cost reports.


Attach the documents you want to include with your submission. You may attach up to 10 documents. Each attachment must be in one of the following formats and can be up to 40 MBs in size. The total size of all attachments cannot exceed 150 MBs. NOTE: At least ONE attachment must be submitted.

Document format types accepted through Secure Message:

  • Microsoft Excel (Excluding .xml)
  • Microsoft Word
  • PDF
  • MCR or MCRX
  • .Auditor
  • .txt
  • .dbf

Step 8: Click the 'Browse' button. A window will open allowing you to locate the document stored on your system. Once you locate the document click "OPEN" to attach it to the form. A status bar (in BLUE) will appear indicating the document is uploading.


All files attached will appear under "Attached Files." If a file is attached in error, simply click the RED 'X' in the 'Action' column to remove it.

Once the form is complete, enter your name and hit SUBMIT to send the form and its attachments. Once received, confirmation will be delivered to your secure inbox letting you know.

Responses sent to you by our A&R team will also be delivered to your inbox.

Take advantage of this enhancement and other features by registering for myCGS!


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