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MSP Reason Code 30928

Per Chapter 3, Section 20 of the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) IOMExternal PDFproviders are required to determine whether Medicare is a primary or secondary payer for each inpatient admission of a Medicare beneficiary and outpatient encounter with a Medicare beneficiary prior to submitting a claim to Medicare. Providers are also required to review the Common Working File (CWF) prior to submitting a claim to Medicare.

In order for a claim to be processed as Medicare primary or secondary, the claim must coincide with the information on the CWF.

When a claim is rejected due to conflicting information on the CWF, providers should wait until the CWF is updated before submitting any additional claims for that beneficiary. CGS is holding claims for up to 75 days for the CWF to be updated.

Claims will be returned to the provider requesting the CWF review prior to resubmission. Once the record on the CWF is updated, the provider should submit the claim at that time.


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