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Content provided on this page contains outdated information and instruction and should not be considered current. CGS is providing this archived information for research purposes only. This archived section contains previously issued instructions that have since been updated or are no longer applicable for Medicare billing purposes.

July 30, 2014

The Clock is Ticking

Important Update: Change for Dial-Up Claim Submitters

We have notified our dial-up submitters via mail, ListServ articles, emails and outbound phone calls, that August 1st, 2014 is the deadline for direct dialup submissions for J15 Part B, A and HHH.

This change only affects CGS providers (e.g., Part A, Part B, and HHH)) who submit claims to CGS using a dial-up connection. It is imperative that impacted providers read and take action on the following information.

If you currently submit claims to CGS using a dial-up connection, moving to one of the Network Service Vendors on our approved CGS Approved Network Service Vendor List is required as of August 1st.

CGS recommends that you take immediate action to transition from dial-up to avoid any disruption to your claim submission.

Please contact the EDI Help Desk with any questions or concerns:

  • Part A submitters: 866.590.6703, Option 2
  • Home Health & Hospice submitters: 877.299.4500, Option 2
  • Part B submitters: 866.276.9558, Option 2

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