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April 10, 2015 - Updated: 04.24.15

Comments on Draft Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) (DL35730 and DL35893)

The following are comments received during the comment period for draft LCDs DL35730/DL35893, Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG). The final drafts for these LCDs are available in the CMS LCD database:

Part A:

Part B:

Comments and Responses

  • Please consider adding coverage for multiple myeloma.

Answer: CGS will add the following paragraph for multiple myeloma to the final version of the IVIG policy.

Multiple myeloma

IVIG is indicated in patients with multiple myeloma to reduce the incidence of recurrent bacterial infection when the patient is in the plateau phase of the disease and there is evidence of immunodeficiency as indicated by a serum IgG level <600mg/dl and a history of one documented, serious bacterial infection requiring IV antibiotic therapy in the previous six months or two or more such infections in the previous one year. IVIG will also be considered medically necessary when there has been a failure to mount an appropriate IgG humoral response to pneumococcal vaccine. IVIG therapy is not considered medically reasonable and necessary during primary induction chemotherapy or during a relapse of the disease.

ICD-9 codes:


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